Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Hot Week

Cheyenne girl was sick 2 weeks ago. On the 14-Jul afternoon, the babysitter called and told me Chey girl was having fever. I brought her back home that afternoon, and noticed that she was quite warm and tired. Her temperature was measured 37.4C, which according to reference book, it's still quite mild. So we decided to monitor her for a while before bringing her to see doctor. Later that night, her temperature was fluctuating and the next morning, it went down to about 37C. So we thought it's due to teething (as what the babysitter claimed) and we went to work as usual. However, it turned out that her temperature was up and down for the whole day. Worried, we brought her to see doctor that night and the diagnosis - Roseola, or in layman term, fake meningitis. According to the doctor, the fever will come and go and eventually subside in a few days with rashes appear first on the face and then the body. True enough, it happened step by step as what the doctor had "predicted". Poor Cheyenne with rashes over her face and body after a few days of fever.

Chey girl's having fever but still can play with "other baby" in the mirror.

We also noticed that she had lost her appetite (temporary). She was doing "A boo~~~" to reject the food.

Thank God everything is back to normal now - her appetite is back, and the rash is gone!

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